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Blood Castes 

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All of the base castes are still on the spectrum. There are 4 added castes: copper, brass, emerald and cobalt. 


In total there are around 300 billion trolls in this universe's empire as a whole, 59% of them are lowbloods(177,000,000,000). 34% are midbloods (105,000,000,000)and 6% are highbloods (18,000,000,000) and less than 1% are sea dwellers(30,000,000). The Tyrian gene is so rare and recessive that only one troll hatches every 50-200 sweeps at a time (108- 433 years). The only population out counted for is lime bloods who are slowly getting sanctioned out of the gene pool until the gene does not exist. 


Blood color tends to determine how long a troll's lifespan is to start.


  • Rusts 25-30 sweeps 

  • Copper 30-35 sweeps

  • Bronze 35-45 sweeps

  • Brass 45-50 sweeps

  • Gold 50-60 sweeps


  • Lime 10-20 sweeps (naturally 60-70 sweeps)


  • Olive 70-100 sweeps

  • Emerald 100- 125 sweeps

  • Jade 150-200 sweeps

  • Teal 200- 400 sweeps


  • Cerulian 400-900 sweeps

  • Cobalt 900-1,500 sweeps

  • Indigo 1,500-2,500 sweeps

  • Purple 2,500- 3,000 sweeps


  • Violet 6,000-9,000 sweeps


  • Tyrian 9,000-13,000 sweeps


This is because of both genetic factors and environmental factors. The higher your blood the more opportunities there are for access to advanced healthcare and cybernetics that can increase lifespans. Also because of the fact lowbloods get put in much more dangerous situations since they are more “disposable” as stated by the empire. Because of this a lowbloods life is seen as less than a highbloods, and by most highbloods opinions nothing to really worry about sadly. 


The higher you are on the spectrum the more recessive the gene for your blood color will be.


Blood colors also tend to determine what abilities you can have but it isn't unheard of to have powers outside of your blood cast. Having abilities that aren't normal in your blood cast is however very rare and can cause problems. In some cases it is deemed an unwanted mutation. The higher up on the spectrum you are the more you can get away with, of course. However if your body and blood are not genetically compatible with an ability mutation or body mutation it will likely cause physical problems.some examples are as followed: Tails are known to appear as a very recessive mutation but if not fixed later in life they could cause walking or balance problems, or at the worst case paralyze the lower body. It is considered much safer to get a cybernetic tail that can be built to function with your body and it can be designed however you want. Fins on blood colors below violet and tyrian is also a mutation which comes with underdeveloped gills, if you are not a violet or tyrian this 99% of the time leads to breathing problems both in and out of the water (this is also a mutation that is considered an insult to seadwellers of violet and tyrian). Trolls who have the rainbowdrinker gene and are not of mid castes tend to have worse iron deficiencies and they will usually have some sort of immunodeficiency. Trolls who have psionics outside of the lowbloods tend to get recurring and crippling migraines or their bodies start to deteriorate since most of their energy is being used by their brain. To be fair a lot of these problems can be fixed with cybernetics but you need to have the money for it. When you have an ability your body and blood is not compatible with there will always be backlash in some way that goes for every power. Its like the saying for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, just this in in the case of mixed up genetics.   

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