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Technology here is highly advanced and has a wide range of uses. Like most of cyberpunk it's known for being high tech low life. Cyberspace and a vast range of cybernetics and body mods exist here and are easy to assess. Alternia in general has a massive demand for robotics and cybernetic parts. We all know in canon robotics are easy to come by and trolls do tend to dabble in making life like robots, or mechanical prosthetics.  The same happens here, robotics are even more common considering the drones in Aleph Null are all robotic instead of organic. Limbs are another common thing, alternians are violent, in canon they always were missing limbs, eyes or anything in between can be easily replaced with something mechanical. 


Other than that, alternians are have the ability to use space travel with ease, building massive ships to use for transport or to fight in their wars. with this comes the use of warp gates between two places (The warp gate tech in Aleph Null was however stolen from another alien race, the rirhathe). Space stations and giant docking bays in the middle of space are common enough, especially for the use of traveling long distances. Most of the energy use to power the heavy duty tech is still psionic though. It has always been a clean, reusable energy source so they likely wouldn't stop using it. they do however have safer more reliable ways a helmsman can power tech. None of it uses organic wetwear, it was hard to clean and maintain, usually was hard to disconnect from and had more than a few problems when it came to psionics overheating. In general its not as reliable as modern day cybernetic jacks and heavy duty cables one can hook up to and power anything from trains to ships. 


As stated most of this stuff is generally common and easy to get your hands on. Honestly even some amateurs can work with how highly advansed the tech is, you probably just don't want to get your lost lim replaced by some back alley repairman. 


Also alternains love their weaponry, it's a big part of their culture, and even the weapons are cyberneticaly based. A strife abstratus in canon is now a little chip that has something akin to a bluetooth connection to any sort of mechanical weaponry including guns. Getting an abstratus installed is the equivalent of having a gun permit, but when I say installed I mean it's literally a cybenetic implant in the side of someone's head or in the back of their spine. It comes with these small abstratus chips that you can plug into the slots in the cybernetics, whatever chip the weapon is attached to unlocks its safety. It is essentially like the guns in psycho-pass. If you don't have the chip in you can't use the weapon, the trigger or safety will lock.  Of course this does lead to chips and mechanical weapons being tampered with to sell on the black market but the alternian underground has its claws in more things than you'd expect. 

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