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Space Ships and Non cybernetic Tech

Of course with every galaxy spanning empire in space you have to have space ships. So these are some Aleph Null space ships. There will also be more non cybernetic tech added.  As time goes on more tech will be added. 


 None of the ships in Aleph can run at light speed because lightspeed would actually be too slow when traveling the galaxy. However to get around that a few friends and I figured out the best way to actually have ships run at that speed was warp gates! Warp gates aren't anything new of course they have been used in sci-fi stories for decades but we took the concepts and made it more alternian. They work by creating wormholes between two points. They are essentially the empires' intergalactic highways. There is at least one warp gate for every solar system. 

There will also always be more gates closer to the center empire since these take at least 20 sweeps to make (40 years). Usually they will be made during or after a new colonies terraforming. 

imperial flagship cruiser concept.png
defender ship carrier concept.png
imperial paladin cruiser concept.png
leisure cruiser.png
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