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camp planets

The camps are another name for planets owned by the empire that are rich in useful materials but are unsuitable for terraforming or living. These planets usually have a gravity thats undesirable, no liquid water, the temperature is either too cold or too hot, the air quality is unsuitable for breathing, the weather is too unsuitable or there is radioactive activity. Generally these planets are very harsh environments and are so barren and unsustainable it’s hard to survive anywhere besides the camps themselves. If a lime mutant or rebel somehow escapes the camps it will still be of no use considering you likely won’t survive for more than a week in the wastelands. They still need working bodies to retrieve or refine materials on these planets.

This is the fate of limes and mutants as well as known rebels and their quadrantmates.

Some environmental concepts. 

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If rebels are captured and not outright killed they will be sent here along with their quadrantmates no matter what their blood. Usually lead rebels who are caught are killed off automatically but for those who are in the background they have this fate. This also depends on if you are deemed still useful to the empire or not. Following the same fate as the limes they are stripped of all possessions and given a number, R-(followed by a number).

Clockwork's AU Camps uniform

Uniforms are provided to all workers, they are heavy duty, mostly made of plastic and rubber like material. They are all reusable and sadly if one troll dies the uniform will be cleaned and reused by other trolls.  There are plenty of uniforms that have rips and tears that need to be repaired prom past events, any repairs are usually done by workers. 

Usually workers need to work on the planets extracting materials to be shipped off and used by colonies. there are other jobs however like food prep, cleaning, repair work or disposal. Ususaly more well behaved workers tend to work as food prep or cleaners since they are usually working inside the camps and out of the harsh conditions outside.You can also tend to get those jobs if you bribe the enforcers which sadly tends to be very dangerous since you aren't protected if something gets out of hand. disposal is likely the worst if you are too attached to others, it is exactly what it sounds like and on colder planets its not unheard of to use dead bodies to throw into furnaces. If you've ever seen the handmaids tale this concept is heavily based on the colonies.

  • How revolts are handled: If you're wondering how insurrections don’t break out on these planets it’s quite simple. There is no communication between camps and each camp is miles and miles away from each other with land that can not be trekked though without some sort of protective gear. The workers on these planets also get moved around too fast to create lasting bonds and organize anything. They are transferred and rearranged to different camps every season. You can end up getting moved sooner if you start to cause problems or just plain out get shot. 


  • Outside communications: there is little to no outside contact. The most outside contact is when new rations get dropped off at camps or the new newly recognised adults get transferred in. The only exception to these times is when new captured rebels get transferred onto these planets. Enforcers who are in charge of these planets generally are the only trolls who have any form of communication with the empire and other camps. That communication is required to happen though cyberspace. This is because every rebel lime or mutant that is dropped on these planets get their cybernetics removed.  


  • Enforcers: enforcers here are usually wearing armored protective gear at all times as well as masks or any type of protection from the environment unlike any of the limes mutants or rebels. They are permitted to carry military assault rifles at all times and function more or less as prison guards that are able to treat the other trolls however they want. Enforcers range from violet to indigo with the violets being head enforcers. There are no laws protecting any of the workers. Things can get nasty or horrific really quickly.


  • Enforced punishments: Any sort of punishment for not staying in your place can range from all different types of things. Stealing or giving food and being caught for it will result in burning an offender's hand at the first offense and having a finger taken off as a second and so on until you learn your place. Giving nasty looks or gestures towards enforcers can result in the loss of an eye. If a like speaks after they have been warned not to their tongue will be cut out. This also goes for anyone else who speaks up about treatment or decides to talk back to  an enforcer. You don't even really need an excuse to be sadistic so as mentioned before things can get really nasty really quick.

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