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Empire Map

As stated the empire takes up around 20% of the galaxy expanding outwards from original or Alpha Alternia.It is the largest empire in the galaxy taking up a decent portion of two of the spiral’s arms. In their space they own 224 sustainable planets and moons. The star systems that can sustain life have K, M or G class stars, all harbor planets and moons in the Goldilocks Zone, are in a system with an asteroid belt and have gas giants. Each planet and moon that has been colonized has an atmosphere and a magnetic field to shield itself from solar radiation. The empire wants to spend as little money on terraforming as it can the harsher the environment or more unsustainable the environment is the less likely it will be a colony and instead only be harvested for resources or turned into camp planets. 

Aleph Null galaxy.png

Sectors and rings


The Empire is broken up into 4 sectors and 4 rings (as the empire expands so do the rings). 

Center empire is at the core, origin alternia being the heart and expanding outwards.


Center empire planets are all fully terriformed and fully functioning. These planets being closer to the original home world were the first to fall under the empire's rule and are very strictly enforced most of these planets are owned by the elder tyrians. Center empire planets are also most likely to be civilian planets.


Mid empire planets are the second oldest to fall under empire, usually held by the newer tyrians, most of these planets tend to be used for agriculture, civilian adult housing and distribution between center and outer empire.


Outer empire planets being farther away from origin alternia tend to get the least amount of attention, usually planets are used as training grounds for soldiers, mining colonies and resource extraction. The outer empire has many planets that are not yet terriformed.


The outer ring is the wild west of alternia 90% of these planets have yet to be terraformed. There are a few planets that have been made to function however they are very new and they tend to be the least populated.

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