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The Observers 

The observers in Aleph Null are sort of a myth. They are the shadows in the corner of your eyes or the person you can't remember the face of on the train. So many have sworn they have seen them but can never find any physical proof, only smoke and mirrors. 


What are they? They are you. 


Every character made or housed in this universe has their guardian angel. That is you. You plot out their every action and you watch over them, you see their stories play out and you influence them. You yourself are essentially a small god. 


This means that every sona or self insert is able to put themselves in the AU and interact with their own characters. You can't change an environment or make huge radical changes to affect your characters directly. Essentially you cant exactly be active players in your characters lives . However since you write their stories and you create them you are passively affecting them with every move from behind the scenes. You are all muses and you all have a place here to watch over your creations. 

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