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For who it may concern.

I take no credit for base ideas from the original work. Things may seem to make logical sense for canon but that is sort of the point. However 90% of what is in here is not explained in the comic and is not explicitly stated as canon. All ideas presented are free to use by anyone, these are really just ramblings of an obsessive mind that will evidently amount to nothing. This AU’s goal is to fill in blanks and make it functional for the sake of my own curiosity, nothing more. I'm sure plenty of people share similar ideas without even knowing each other. In the end this is just for fun. 

While these ideas have been in my head and written on its original google doc for many years now I do not condone the harassment of anyone using these ideas or this setting. There is no excuse to go after someone or bother them about them “stealing” my ideas. 

To make this clear anyone can use these ideas or this setting without credit, it is open source.

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