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How Rebellions are Handled 



 Now each level of rebellions are handled somewhat differently. 80% rebellions don't get bigger than street riots. There are no laws protecting freedom of speech or the right of the people to assemble. The empire can send in law enforcement to get people off the streets and arrest them or just straight up kill them if things get too loud. If it's too much for them to handle they can send in drones to clean up everything. Lowbloods especially tend to get the short end of the stick with this since there is nothing protecting them from being killed. 


The media portrays every act of rebellion as a tragedy and will end up scapegoating lowbloods and rarely midbloods. Of course it will broadcast the execution of any rebels or people who are in their circle. It's guilt by association. It's a very good scare tactic to keep people down. The story will always be twisted to make the empire look innocent and as if it was only protecting its people. 


Act of single person rebellions are easiest to take care of. The empire monitors everything, the internet, cctv, where citizens travel, whatever they buy, who they talk to. It's all catalogued in data on each person. The A.I.’s mentioned before work doing that. Your privacy does not exist, and anything like a VPN is an illegal piece of technology.  Not only that but there are rewards for reporting any suspicious behavior which tends to cause a lot of paranoia. Yes you do get rewards for reporting suspicious behavior so everyone is both trying to keep in line and watch out for others if they are desperate for money especially. Generally trolls don't even think of rebellion. They are most likely swamped with their own every night/day tasks, and the fact that the media only shows the brutality of rebels from the empires side. There is no opposing argument, there isn't another view, it's only the empire's view. It is hammered down constantly that rebels are bad people, brutal, vicious, manipulative and downright evil.


Rebellions that get bigger than one person get handled with more force and they are always targeted by enforcement and broken apart even if they aren't hurting anyone. The more rebels there are the more enforcement there will be.


Now a question some have asked me is: what if there was a planet wide rebellion? 


The planet itself will no longer have any crafts landing or leaving the atmosphere. The planet and all the alternans on it will be locked off and the military will step in and clean up as much as they can. They will salt and burn the whole planet, bomb it and rain angel fire down on everyone, innocent or not. You'd think this would cause a huge problem but sadly it would only make a tiny dent. There are 84 working planets that can function independently, one going down would hardly make an impact they can just make another. Again though the media will always end up with turning rebels into monsters. 

Rebellions are extremely hard to start here. It is honestly nearly impossible. Why is it so hard?  



  • The A.I.’s that handle the empire.

  • The enforcement in the colonies.

  • The Emissaries and their overseeing of the colonies.

  • The dispatchable drones.

  • The public executions and acts of public disciplining. 

  • The brainwashing that is done by the schooling system.

  • The brainwashing by the media. 

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