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The Signless and the Summoner 

So to start this off we all know the story of the ancestors. We at least know the true canon story, it is the same as canon to an extent but history books in Aleph Null turn the story on its head. The Signless and the Summoner are not good people by what the government says. They are considered to be the most brutal terrorists in the empire's known history. This also goes for their followers, the Psionic, Disciple and Dolorosa are all marked as terrorists. Mindfang and the Expatriate however get a bit more leeway here because they are highbloods, while they are still considered terrorists they are also supposedly misguided and tragic instead of monstrous. Any sort of symbolism or imagery especially related to the Signless is considered terrorist propaganda unless it has been given permission to be shown by the Empress/ Emperor which always means its shown in a bad light. There are no good versions of the signless or the summoner or their followers anywhere in the empire. 


Why it is flipped is because of the government and the infallible portrayal of the high class. It is essentially a very good tactic for control through fear, as well as the validation of the tyrian’s . 

As for what is told there is no mention of the Signless in any history lesson that will paint him as a good or even morally grey person. All of it presents him as a manipulative monster, the mutated lime blood that used his voice to control and destroy the lives of thousands of trolls. Again he was a terrorist, a cult leader that used

his followers as a shield to hide behind when law enforcement tried to reprimand him. He is only talked about as someone who essentially brainwashed millions and made them do his bidding and attempted to murder Her Imperious Condescention the longest reigning tyrian in history. This tends to instill fear and disgust in most and further nails down that “limes and mutants are bad”. 


The same narrative also gets applied to the Summoner. Though he is presented as less of a manipulator and more of an ill conceived yet violet anarchist. He is again never talked about in any sort of good way but he is given more leeway on someone who was “victim of the Signless”. Still he doesn’t get a pass on it and is still considered a terrorist figure. One who could have served the empire and done amazing things but was manipulated into becoming a monster.

If you are wondering if there is anywhere you would be able to find out the actual truth as a troll it’s literally impossible. Every historical record, every teaching, every good thing about the Signless or the Summoner is totally erased from history. It is all replaced with empire propaganda. Even on the calendar there are dates in which you are not celebrating who he was, it is the mourning of all the lives lost for what he did and the celebration of the empire overcoming everything. Victor’s night originally to celebrate winning the battle with the summoner and killing him, the week of silence and the festival of spilled iron are both there to instill that narrative. While we know the true story Alternia as a dystopian empire would never put something like this on a pedestal, they would use it and twist it to fit their regime, their propaganda. 

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