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LGBTQ headcanons

Gender in Alternian society is completely different then the human concept of gender. There is no real line between male and female, it’s very mixed. However there is personal stylized fashion and trends that we as humans would consider feminine because the ruling power of Alternia likes what we would consider more feminine looks. The way a troll presents themself, feminine or masculine is all up to personal taste there is no gender stereotype. 


Another reason that Alternians don’t really have the same concept of gender is because of biology. They are not human and they do not function the same way as humans do. The way a troll looks actually depends on the gender of the lusus they grow up with. (More is explained in the biology headcanons.) This makes it possible for transgender Alternians to exist. Some tend to have dysphoria because the way their body tried to mimic does not match what a troll believes is truly them in their head. However transitioning to look more feminine or masculine as a troll is almost as normal as getting body modifications or cybernetics. No one bats an eye at it and there is no stigma. Because gender is not actually attached to transitioning in troll society it’s the issue of a troll feeling that the body their biology tried to mimic is not right. It’s the same concept with with a different expression. A troll can also sign off on any non-cybernetic modification at any point in their lives as long as they have the money. 


This also brings up being gay or lesbian in Alternian society. In all technicality all trolls are all pan in its purest form. Liking someone is all up to personal taste when it comes down to it. You can have a taste for someone more masculine or a taste for someone feminine the same way we as humans have a taste for blondes or brunettes. What we would consider gay lesbian or straight couples in Alternian society is way more of a mixed bag and it’s just about even all around because again there is no stigma. They probably don’t even have a word for gay/ lesbian/ pan/ bi or any other descriptive words what humans use, it’s just called a relationship.

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