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feral trolls 

Feral trolls is a slang term used mostly to describe Alternians who do not live in a hive or hivestem. They are technically the empire’s homeless population. They usually consist of trolls from rust to teal who have lost their hives or have chosen to live outside of society's norms. It is less likely to see feral trolls the higher up you go on the spectrum because with a higher blood you are likely to get more aid. 


 For the most part ferals tend to live in small intentional communities in cities or in feral camps away from other trolls. They don't really bother anyone but the empire does keep tabs on them. For the most part they usually consist of a mix of drug addicts, trolls with alcohol addictions, low blood trolls who left the military and couldn't find work, or newly recognised adults who never quite settled, lowbloods who could no longer pay rent or just generally unfortunate people (unless this path was a chosen one). As stated they don't usually follow the same standards as people who live in society. These trolls have less care for blood because they act more like a tribe with each troll contributing in some way. This contribution can range from growing vegetables in portable gardens to going out and being beggars for credit to provide supplies. Even in the community itself you have trolls that know how to cook or how to make clothes or makeshift supplies. They tend to pool their money together and spend it more on the community itself then individual gain. They usually stay in pairs for protection and some groups tend to have hivemind synaptics. Most feral trolls don't stray far from their camps and they usually take up residence in abandoned buildings, warehouses or in sheltered areas if they are farther out. Their fashion sense is a bit strange considering they get most of their clothes second hand and is a mishmash of whatever they can find. Most have tended to take on animal personas. 


They also tend to have leaders known as Tetrarchs by those in the community. These trolls decide when it is time to move camps or are the ones who decide to let new trolls join. They are usually one of the older trolls in these groups and are wiser than the others. A Tetrarch sort of holds the community together like a chief and is the one most likely to come up with solutions for problems and settle disputes. 

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